Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How do I recover previous version of a document in OneNote?

A. You may recover the previous version of document through these steps.  

Q. Can I work offline?

A. Yes. Just make sure that you sync your notebook with OneDrive first. It will automatically sync your work as long as you are back online.

Q. Can I password-protect the entire notebook?

A. You can apply passwords to individual notebook sections, one at a time, but not to all of the sections in the same notebook all at once.

Q. Which browser can i used to access OneNote?

A. OneNote is accessible on most of the web browser like Internet Explorer 10 and 11, Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Opera.

Q. The content I shared to OneNote isn't showing up on my other devices.

A. It is most likely that OneNote has not sync your notes yet. Try re-launching OneNote and then manually sync the notebook.

For more FAQs about OneNote, check out this link.

For more FAQs about OneNote Class Notebook, check out this link.

Helpful links

  1. Creating Flipped classroom using OneNote
  2. Getting started with OneNote Class Notebook
  3. User guide for OneNote Class Notebook
  4. OneNote in Education Blog
  5. OneNote for teachers
  6. PDF: One Note Guide
  7. Collaborate in the Classroom Using OneNote Class Notebook Creator

  8. Teachers - Get Started with OneNote Class Notebook Creator

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