Edit the footage

  1. To edit the footage, you may click on edit Edit option
  2. Click on to view your recording. To trim your recording, click on

Trim the start and end

  1. To trim the start and stop of your video, drag the grey edit handle from left to right to delete the start of the recording. Similarly, drag the edit handle from right to left to trim the end of the recording. The portion highlighted in gray will be removed.
  2. If you no longer wish to trim the recording, drag the blue edit handles back to their original position.

Remove a section from the middle

  1. To trim a portion from the middle, Click and drag to select the portion of the recording that you want to remove. The portion highlighted in gray will be removed.

  2. If you no longer wish to trim the footage, drag the blue edit handles next to each other

Undo all edit

  1. To undo all the edit, you may click on

Save and preview your edit

  1. To preview the edit you made, you may click on and click
  2. Once you have confirmed, click onto save all your editing.

Additional help

1) Editing the Panopto recorded lecture

2) Basic Editor Creating Quizzes in Panopto