If a user cannot post to a blog because the user does not see the options for adding a new post in the Dashboard, the blog's administrator must first make sure that the user has been added to the blog and given the proper user role (Contributor, Author, Editor or Admin).

If the user logs in and still cannot see the Posts options on the Dashboard's sidebar, there are two possible causes:

1. The user is logged in with a different username

This is possible as the user may have used Blog.nus with another module previously. Please check if the user has an existing Blog.nus account. If he/she does have a pre-existing account, you can add that username to your blog. He/she can then log in to your blog with their existing account.

2. The user is authorized to access multiple blogs and is accessing the wrong Dashboard

It is easy to verify this. If the user does not see the correct title in the Dashboard, he/she is not accessing the correct blog's Dashboard.

The user should:
1. Click Dashboard on the sidebar, then My Blogs.

2. Select the appropriate blog from the Primary Blogs drop-down list.

3. Click Update Options at the bottom of the page.

It is always best to log in via the front page of the blog that the user wants to access (assuming that the login link is available).