Before the exams

If you have issues or questions, please contact your instructor immediately regarding your issues and questions.

If you have questions regarding tools such as ExamSoft and Zoom in the run up to exams, please use Online Exam help desk or email .

During the exams

Chat support via Microsoft Teams - via the Chat tab (not Teams tab) - is available during exam hours on exam days.

Microsoft Teams

Click the following link to chat with Online Exam Support.

Please install and log in to Microsoft Teams first before the exam. More information can be found below:

You may also watch the video tutorial.

For proctored exams using Zoom:

  1. Please raise your hand in Zoom or on screen to let your invigilator know you have a question.
  2. The invigilator with communicate with you via text chat in Zoom.
  3. The invigilator will contact support. You do not need to do this.
  4. Instructions will be relayed to you by the invigilator using Zoom text chat.
  5. If the issue cannot be resolved, the support staff may enter the Zoom meeting to provide direct support.
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