Take these steps before the exam period so that you can reach support faster during exams.

  1. Please download the respective Microsoft Teams mobile app for your phone, or use the links below:


    • Android 
      (latest and 3 previous major versions)
    • iOS 
      (latest and 1 previous major versions)


    (You should be shown the correct version to install for your Operating System (Mac/Windows).

    We recommend that you install Microsoft Teams on both your mobile device (used for proctoring) and your computer.

  2. Enter your full NUS email address in the text box and click Sign in.


  3. NUS login page will pop up. Login using your NUSNET ID and password.


  4. Make sure that you are logged in and online before the start of each exam. This allows your examiner/invigilator to contact you in case you are not contactable by other means.
  5. (1) Click the Chat tab. (2) Then start a new chat by clicking on the new chat (pencil on paper) icon. Look for the user Online Exam Support or citbox83. You can also use this link to start a chat with Online Exam Support.


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